Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hills reached : Darjeeling is cold

Possibly my room could be colder, but then I would cry. I love the Main Old Belleview and will be everloyal, but christ does it need a makeover that includes insulation, central heating, lined curtains and quilts that have been dried and aired since the last monsoon. Reached late this afternoon, went for a (strong) beer at Glenary's with Ali (Aussie girl here to work with Mercy Corp met in Calcutta) and then we retired to our rooms for a rest.

Rather, a corpse pose beneath the doubled damp quilts - kept the tv onto the one channel coming in - UK vs. Pakistan cricket - so there'd be another form of warmth being given off in the room and dozed.

Now, not revived but very much layered, in the Belleview (from their literature: "Not to be confused with the Main Old Belleview" - but literally steps away) doing emails. They've kept their door propped open. Donning mittens and dopey condom hat and heading down the hill go to Joey's - the Gurkha pub - for a beer to warm.

More from a hopefully warmer me tomorrow.

Love to all on Losar, out with the year of the monkey and in with the year of the bird (and wood?)


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