Monday, November 6, 2006


And it's good.

Though not so very good the night of - endless flight, endless circling of Newark then endless immigration line as a 747's worth of passengers were fed beneath the stamp of one immigration official - but good coming out the other end with Rus there, the taxi ride to the upper west, unpacking treasures (my estimation) and stories with glasses of wine...

Amazingly easy settling right back in, as if iffy bathrooms and my own mile-high defenses were never there. The head-space and personal space begin to breathe again, find they can stretch in various directions and encounter no obstacles.

I'm back and, with jet lag tapering and friends including Cin, Ian and new baby Henry here (upstate) for the weekend - got good stuff ahead.

More Indian tales and photos as I go, but also home tales too.

Love to all


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