"This city that I believed was my past ,
is my future, my present ;
the years I have spent in Europe are an illusion ,
I always was (and will be) in Buenos Aires."
- Jorge Luis Borges, "Arrabal", from Fervor de Buenos Aires (1921)
(the man who first put BA on my map)
Late this Sunday eve, R and I depart for Buenos Aires to visit Cintra and Ian, who have bought a remarkable apartment down there and set up a remarkable life.
They write, they explore, keep an excellent blog , make many friends, learn to take a long time cooking meat (and eating a meal), buy fantastically cheap but not cheap clothes, live in the flip world of our seasons and ski in August, master Spanish including elusive subjunctive, and do all of this just one hour behind us.
Intrigued, already overwhelmed by how much we'll see and the wonders that Cin and Ian will reveal, and anticipating the ache of why-can't-we-live-multiple-lives-in multiple-places coming on...
Last saw Cin into a taxi in the West Village many months back. Now she's almost a dual citizen of that other land.
Cin + Ian in a brand new context - will report.
C (your woman in BA, then Uruguay...)
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